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Thread: banners and bootstrap and required visibility?

  1. #1
    JTCB is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Question banners and bootstrap and required visibility?


    I have placed a few banners on my website.

    In one place I put banners on the side of my blog feed which will list further articles I post.

    The banners make up a column like this:
    video banner



    That way the viewer is able to have each banner displayed as he scrolls down.

    The thing is that banners have static size and my website is fully responsive.
    So I have put the video banner to be displayed only when the bootstrap viewport width is "desktop" (over 979px) and to have that one banner gone as not to upset the layout when screen is more narrow.

    Same with the skyscrapers, I have made them disappear if someone is on a mobile device because otherwise they'd have a lot of scrolling to do.

    Question is:

    Is it ok to do it like this? Are these in compliance with AlterVista banner rules?

    Just want to know in advance since obv I care about my website layout and if hiding banners when viewport width is too small would be against the TOS then I'd just have to get rid of them.

  2. #2
    karl94 is offline AlterVista Staff
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    The banners must be always visible, they can't be covered or hidden. You can however place them in other positions according to screen size, or simply don't include the code server-side when you detect mobile browsers.

  3. #3
    JTCB is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Understood. Thank you for clarifying this.

    I don't think I'll bother with mobile detection on this one. I ended up with placing just 1 skyscraper banner on that page then letterbox banners under posts. All always visible.

    The skyscraper one on the phone, well, users will just have to scroll through. It's not a big deal I think, my website is not a big one with thousands users anyway so I don't think anyone will complain that they have to scroll through one banner on phone
    Last edited by JTCB; 09-07-2015 at 04:31 AM.

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