The top 300x250 Banner of altervista at top does not show properly. It disappears and i didnot getting true revenue. I Check the my site from many browser but problem still same
Check it please
The top 300x250 Banner of altervista at top does not show properly. It disappears and i didnot getting true revenue. I Check the my site from many browser but problem still same
Check it please
Remember that you can't display other ads than that provided by Altervista (please read the terms)
"Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind."
6.9 It is not allowed to display banners, popUps or popUnders, or to use others forms of sponsorship other than those AlterVista provides without the specific written authorization of the staff. Simple banner changes and the links to friend sites are allowed.
Dear i agree and do not try to spam altervista terms. I place just text ads not banner ads and at feature i will sale my banners as explain here "Simple banner changes and the links to friend sites are allowed."![]()
looks like the ads are displaying correctly in your site, please post a screenshot and tell us which browser is experiencing these issues.
Facing At Mozila
Facing At Chrome
Also Facing At IE
That's Why i getting to revenue too slow its not the problem i facing it now, this problem has been taken more than 2 months but due to busy life i do not report altervista team
I hope i will here soon from you/your team
Have you got any firewall/ids/antivirus installed in your computer? Did you also try from another computer/network?
Yeah Antivirus Installed... But if you mean that ads block due to antiviruses or firewalls??? its mean any harm in these ads??? if their is any tracking code?? my antivirus will not to caught it. I check it from my Friend Pc its working well why not with me. Also telling you i see it only 2 times after that its gonna disappear why???
the displayed ads are not harmful, some antiviruses may block certain ads and unfortunately there is nothing we can really do to resolve this issue, which antivirus are you running?
Dear Gianluca, I'm using Avast Latest Version 8.0.1489 But i'm soo confused why its happening why ads goes disappear and repair?? why... Whats the main reason ?? Now i visit my site its showing ads perfectly but as if i refresh/surf my site link 3-4 times ads will be goes disappear why??
Its make damage to my revenue :/ i do not gets the real visits revenue.
Your ads usually display randomly a wide range of campaigns coming from different networks and one or some of them are probabily blocked by your antivirus. This explains how the ads disappear over page refresh.
Avast should produce some logs about it, you should check in order to see what campaign is being blocked.