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Thread: Theme header never shows up - and it's the main image to my site

  1. #1

    Unhappy Theme header never shows up - and it's the main image to my site

    Hello. I make my own themes in Artisteer, so they're code-compliant.

    This is the second time I've opened an account at Altervista trying to upload this particular web site. But the THEME is always broken, the HEADER is always missing.

    I've tried shortening the theme zip name. No dice, header still broken.

    Can anyone please suggest how to fix this? Thank you.

  2. #2
    karl94 is offline AlterVista Staff
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Well, the file isn't there: http://westernchristianciv.altervist...ges/Header.jpg
    It looks like it's at http://westernchristianciv.altervist...ges/header.jpg, notice the lower-case h. URLs are case-sensitive, correct the file name, or the code. However this looks like an Artisteer bug, I'd suggest you to report this issue.

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