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Thread: (Help) [cURL error 56: Receive]Error Installing Extension (WordPress, Jevelin theme)

  1. #1

    Default (Help) [cURL error 56: Receive]Error Installing Extension (WordPress, Jevelin theme)

    I'm get this error when try to install Plugins & Extensions on this theme (Jevelin)
    [I'm already changed the "Server to server" > External access without restrictions. But DON'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM!

    the error's:

    Downloading the "Shortcodes" extension...

    Failed to access Github repository "ThemeFuse/Unyson-Shortcodes-Extension" releases. (cURL error 56: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT)

    Downloading the "Mega Menu" extension...

    Failed to access Github repository "ThemeFuse/Unyson-MegaMenu-Extension" releases. (cURL error 56: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT)

    Downloading the "Portfolio" extension...

    Failed to access Github repository "ThemeFuse/Unyson-Portfolio-Extension" releases. (cURL error 56: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT)

    Downloading the "Backup & Demo Content" extension...

    Failed to access Github repository "ThemeFuse/Unyson-Backups-Extension" releases. (cURL error 56: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT)

    Failed to access Github repository "ThemeFuse/Unyson-Shortcodes-Extension" releases. (cURL error 56: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT)

  2. #2
    alemoppo is offline AlterVista Staff
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Hello, i can't find that theme in the themes list. Is it a theme that you bought elsewhere?

    There are problems of theme activation with themeforest, because they don't accept requests with the User-Agent formed in a certain way. AlterVista instead for security reasons it always sends it in the format:
    Code: client (compatible; MSIE 7.0)
    I don't know if this problem has been solved by themeforest.


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