I have been setting up a site for 4 days now and have almost realized my final dream...almost. While trying to set up a plug-in called OneAll Social Log In I got the error that ports 80 and 443 were closed to outbound communication...and this is a problem.
After doing some research I discovered that there was a whitelist that won't allow the API to communicate with the Oneall site...not good.
I went through the verification process, first sending an SMS via my email at inbox.com...which apparently didn't work. And this morning I sent the SMS from my wifes' cell...and still the whitelist hasn't been removed.
Am I missing something? Can I send the SMS from a different email service, resend from my wifes' phone? Or can I request that app.oneall.com be added to the whitelist?
I have tried several other social log-in plug-ins and none of them seemed to work either...I really need this to allow for a larger membership and continued new readerships...
ANY help in this area would sincerely be appreciated. Here's the pertinent data on my site. (In case you need it.):
URL: vicsmotorizedbikes.altervista.org
WP: Version 4.3.1
Plug-in: OneAll Social Media Log-In v 5.0