I've been trying to deploy my statically generated website from an azure release pipeline to my altervista site throught FTP. (see here for more info -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...failed-country )
After adding all the countries in europe manually (Europe included) to be allowed to send data over FTP I now get a new error
Task : FTP upload
Description : Upload files using FTP
Version : 2.157.2
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/ftp-upload
a01eeca0-73fc-4f90-ad7b-10917f5094f8 exists true
connecting to: ftp.***.altervista.org:21
connected: 220---------- AlterVista FTP ----------
220-Sei l'utente numero 10 di 256 consentiti
220-L'ora locale � 14:09. Porta del server: 21.
220-Questo � un sistema privato - Nessun login anonimo
220 Sarai disconnesso dopo 5 minuti di inattivit�.
FTPError: 504 Comando sconosciuto
Ftp Upload failed
saying "This is a private system - No anonymous login"
According to the wiki I could change the mode from passive to active, but that is not allowed by the UI in control panel..
FTP settings - https://imgur.com/a/uXWeEoo
Altervista WIKI - http://en.help.altervista.org/w/FTP#...ction_settings
How do I get this automate system to work once for all?