Hello, I'm a student and I'm using the altervista for my project. When I click on "Go to the site", I got the wrong website. How am I able to change it?
Thank you for replies. Yeah that's the link. I just want to change the site. How am I going to do that? Changing from that one it says "I am Stefan, a digital designer, game artist and academic based in London." to
Hello my name is Nitish Joypaul, and welcome to my website showcasing my 3d models made by Blender.
I was born in Cantu', Italy, by my Mautitian parents and I was raised in a town called Briosco. In there I went to the elementary school called "scuola elementare e media". I to When I was a kid, I was really passionate about making art, that I always want to painter or sculptor. At the age of 14-15, I was brought up to London for education. I went to St Thomas More Catholic School, since year 9 to 11. Then I did 3 years (it's actually 2 since there was a pandemic at that time) in Barnet and Southgate College, where I was graduated "Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production and Technology". Finally I went to Middlesex University to study Digital Media and Communication.I thought that I could have a good grade in art, however it didn't met the expectations, so I try to do digital media and, to my suprise, they teach about how to use Blender, which it's a software about making 3d modelling, animation and sculpt. After I've picked the subject, I decide to use the software earlier.
In this part, you'll be able to see my blender works down below. As you can see on these images, are actually the first models I did for my uni project. For starter in the first image you see it's a character called "Dean". I have this charcter in mind when there was a pandemic. As you can see at the next image, it's a prototype and originally he was called "Zeke"."