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Thread: My showcase: my site is OFFLINE with 500 error

  1. #1

    Default My showcase: my site is OFFLINE with 500 error

    I bought a domain for this from altervista, though you wouldn't know it, as they've never attached the domain to it despite being asked.

    Then one day, the stalkers at my former host, Netfirms, interceded with Altervista my new host, and suddenly my sidebars were ravaged, with the images broken that had been perfect, being manually installed by me.

    Then an odd "fourth" radial field appeared in my export tools, as if download posts had been duplicated.

    Now, the whole site has been carefully taken offline by Altervista in the back end as their Mussolini fascist-style method of silencing views of people they just don't approve of.

  2. #2
    karl94 is offline AlterVista Staff
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Confederation1867 View Post
    I bought a domain for this from altervista, though you wouldn't know it, as they've never attached the domain to it despite being asked.
    On AlterVista you can't directly associate a second level domain to the webspace, since we don't offer virtual host support for the second level domain. We only offer a domain with redirect service, as described at the time of purchase.
    Quote Originally Posted by Confederation1867 View Post
    Then one day, the stalkers at my former host, Netfirms, interceded with Altervista my new host, and suddenly my sidebars were ravaged, with the images broken that had been perfect, being manually installed by me.

    Then an odd "fourth" radial field appeared in my export tools, as if download posts had been duplicated.
    What do you mean, could you please explain further?
    Quote Originally Posted by Confederation1867 View Post
    Now, the whole site has been carefully taken offline by Altervista in the back end as their Mussolini fascist-style method of silencing views of people they just don't approve of.
    Your website has not been taken offline by AlterVista, there's likely a problem with the .htaccess file. If you don't know how to fix that, post here its contents.

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