I have looked through the forum boards, and while this seems like a very routine problem, I can't seem to find anything addressing my issue. I have created a php page which is meant to read and write responses to a database that I created using phpMyAdmin. I am using the following PHP code to connect to my database and return the number of rows of data entered, but it returns with 0 rows of data. I verified that the database_name and table_name was correct that I attempted to read from and that there are indeed 3 rows of data manually entered into the database via phpMyAdmin. Is there something wrong with how I am connecting, or my SELECT statement? Thank you so much if you can help me! By the way, my PHP page loads fine, everything is good except I cannot echo anything from mySQL database.
PHP Code:
$password = "****"; //*'s represent actual password used
$myconn=mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die("Connection error");
$query_read="SELECT * FROM 'people'";
echo "testing: num rows = ".$row_number;