With FTP you can transfer your files on your web space.
The FTP connection data are:

* host = nickname.altervista.org
* username/login = your nickname
* password = your password
* port = 21
* mode = passive

If you use a firewall you have to check that connections on port 21 are allowed.

nickname = myname
password = mypwd

The data used for the FTP connection will be:

for Filezilla ->

address = myname.altervista.org
user = myname
password = mypwd

for Smartftp ->

address = myname.altervista.org
Login = myname
Password = mypwd

for Internet Explorer ->

Type the address

a dialog box will ask for username and password,

username = myname
password = mypwd

To know if there is a problem with the FTP connection you have to open the ms-dos prompt and send this command:

telnet myname.altervista.org 21

If the connection is successfully executed you should see a response from the server like this one:

220--- AlterVista FTP based on ....

If it does not appear there's a problem with the connection and you have to check that your network and firewall configurations allow the FTP connection.
If you have to report a problem with the connection, please add the result of this test.

Remember that FTP access is only allowed if you have an AlterSite.