- Integration with Expersta API
- Change Blog Layout with CSS - Help Needed
- Automated submission prevention: case 1 failed
- eliminar
- Locales for Dutch language do not work
- Internal server error 500 - .htaccess?
- [Laravel 8] WORKS!! on AlterVista 🎅
- PHP not working but had been for years
- How to change locale in PHP?
- Your message is blocking my access to my dashboard
- Access to HTML, CSS, JS etc files?
- Problem with fetching information from HTML form and saving in mySQL through PHP.
- [Laravel7] WORKS!! on AlterVista :)
- Mobile number invalid
- [Laravel] Authentication with HTTPS
- [Laravel] Configure PHP routes and Apache .htaccess to work into a folder
- How to remove the URL extension?
- Fullwidth automatic slideshow
- Database button on site
- Make website compatible with every browser
- Class page can't be accessed by students
- Website not accessible .
- Help for multiple projects
- Attempting to access METAR data from a page on my site
- Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT
- New Web page
- Updating download counters with PHP
- font download fail
- Unable to Unlock Whitelist :(
- how to view as web page
- Please help me! PHP did not work.
- I need help preventing PHP errors from displaying in the browser
- URL Rewiting
- SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 52
- Help with resetting
- Dns_probe_finished_nxdomain
- Installation error in php script
- Squirrel Mail or other Mail program via php?
- some help with htaccess file
- file uploader?
- [Help] Files persist after elimination
- Curl not working?
- MySQL PhpMyAdmin login issues
- can not make changes to my website using css file
- deleteing the altervista tool bar
- Python scripts in website code like PHP?
- I need help moving WordPress from xampp into AlterVista (newbie)
- How to install Markdown Extra onto Altervista server?
- it is possible to upgrade mysql version?
- Warning: try to run the cron url!
- Need help to install FoOlSlide
- .htaccess not being read
- Homepage keeps reloading causing the Homepage to flicker
- CSS Media Queries
- MYSQL Views
- htaccess | remove .php from url
- How to reference my site with search engines?
- SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
- Query String Parameters Ignored
- Website visibility
- Html
- php 5.3.3 and php 5.4
- can some one
- How can I change the "tab" names for my website pages?
- Can I set the config.php file to read only? If so, how?
- How to get php or html file I created onto my webpage?
- Screwed up Jetpack on Alterblog ..
- How do I disable Alterpages and PHPbb?
- How To Enable Directory Browsing
- Mysql_query in a variable not working
- Load MySQL Database with Text file
- how to connect to mysqli_ [ PHP ]
- Cannot read information from mySQL database (using PHP)
- CSS changes not visible
- need help my site wont load
- Help with coding?
- InnoDB
- Why can't I go on my website?
- Problema con sistema di upload
- Center a Widget
- WP Cron JOBS Problem forbidem
- Problem with HTML Code on my site.. Help me!
- PHP 5.3.0: Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_result::fetch_all()
- Why won't images show up?
- file_get_contents
- PHP Safe_mode
- posix_getpid()
- CSS Sheet Problem at my theme
- someone help me
- someone help me
- PHP problem
- title problem in
- How enter to my filezilla
- Post Navigation Help
- WoltLab Installation Error
- my site is not working
- Mysql error
- newbie needs help with dbc.php
- How do I make an imageboard?
- Result page ask html ???
- From "Google App Engine" (Python/Datastore) to "Altervista" (PHP/MySQL)
- Cross-domain AJAX (JSON-P) with Ext JS
- Mark
- Php 5
- External services: the "good" ones and the "bad" ones (submissions)
- External services: the "good" ones and the "bad" ones