View Full Version : Web Programming

  1. Integration with Expersta API
  2. Change Blog Layout with CSS - Help Needed
  3. Automated submission prevention: case 1 failed
  4. eliminar
  5. Locales for Dutch language do not work
  6. Internal server error 500 - .htaccess?
  7. [Laravel 8] WORKS!! on AlterVista 🎅
  8. PHP not working but had been for years
  9. How to change locale in PHP?
  10. Your message is blocking my access to my dashboard
  11. Access to HTML, CSS, JS etc files?
  12. Problem with fetching information from HTML form and saving in mySQL through PHP.
  13. [Laravel7] WORKS!! on AlterVista :)
  14. Mobile number invalid
  15. [Laravel] Authentication with HTTPS
  16. [Laravel] Configure PHP routes and Apache .htaccess to work into a folder
  17. How to remove the URL extension?
  18. Fullwidth automatic slideshow
  19. Database button on site
  20. Make website compatible with every browser
  21. Class page can't be accessed by students
  22. Website not accessible .
  23. Help for multiple projects
  24. Attempting to access METAR data from a page on my site
  25. Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT
  26. New Web page
  27. Updating download counters with PHP
  28. font download fail
  29. Unable to Unlock Whitelist :(
  30. how to view as web page
  31. Please help me! PHP did not work.
  32. I need help preventing PHP errors from displaying in the browser
  33. URL Rewiting
  34. SyntaxError: Unexpected token  in JSON at position 52
  35. Help with resetting
  36. Dns_probe_finished_nxdomain
  37. Installation error in php script
  38. Squirrel Mail or other Mail program via php?
  39. some help with htaccess file
  40. file uploader?
  41. [Help] Files persist after elimination
  42. Curl not working?
  43. MySQL PhpMyAdmin login issues
  44. can not make changes to my website using css file
  45. deleteing the altervista tool bar
  46. Python scripts in website code like PHP?
  47. I need help moving WordPress from xampp into AlterVista (newbie)
  48. How to install Markdown Extra onto Altervista server?
  49. it is possible to upgrade mysql version?
  50. Warning: try to run the cron url!
  51. Need help to install FoOlSlide
  52. .htaccess not being read
  53. Homepage keeps reloading causing the Homepage to flicker
  54. CSS Media Queries
  55. MYSQL Views
  56. htaccess | remove .php from url
  57. How to reference my site with search engines?
  58. SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
  59. Query String Parameters Ignored
  60. Website visibility
  61. Html
  62. php 5.3.3 and php 5.4
  63. can some one
  64. How can I change the "tab" names for my website pages?
  65. Can I set the config.php file to read only? If so, how?
  66. How to get php or html file I created onto my webpage?
  67. Screwed up Jetpack on Alterblog ..
  68. How do I disable Alterpages and PHPbb?
  69. How To Enable Directory Browsing
  70. Mysql_query in a variable not working
  71. Load MySQL Database with Text file
  72. how to connect to mysqli_ [ PHP ]
  73. Cannot read information from mySQL database (using PHP)
  74. CSS changes not visible
  75. need help my site wont load
  76. Help with coding?
  77. InnoDB
  78. Why can't I go on my website?
  79. Problema con sistema di upload
  80. Center a Widget
  81. WP Cron JOBS Problem forbidem
  82. Problem with HTML Code on my site.. Help me!
  83. PHP 5.3.0: Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_result::fetch_all()
  84. Why won't images show up?
  85. file_get_contents
  86. PHP Safe_mode
  87. posix_getpid()
  88. CSS Sheet Problem at my theme
  89. someone help me
  90. someone help me
  91. PHP problem
  92. title problem in
  93. How enter to my filezilla
  94. Post Navigation Help
  95. WoltLab Installation Error
  96. my site is not working
  97. Mysql error
  98. newbie needs help with dbc.php
  99. How do I make an imageboard?
  100. Result page ask html ???
  101. From "Google App Engine" (Python/Datastore) to "Altervista" (PHP/MySQL)
  102. Cross-domain AJAX (JSON-P) with Ext JS
  103. Mark
  104. Php 5
  105. External services: the "good" ones and the "bad" ones (submissions)
  106. External services: the "good" ones and the "bad" ones