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  1. FTP Error 530
  2. Disabling www. from domain
  3. Google Recaptcha v3 and Altervista Blog
  4. Create New Database
  5. WordPress Error after deactivating plugins
  6. Issues uploading files in replies on phpBB with PHP 8.0 and higher.
  7. Riattivazione sito andreagotlost.com
  8. Certain PHP functions and/or AJAX not working through HTTPS
  9. Pictures not showing
  10. How to reactivate my site?
  11. How do I grant permissions on PHPMyAdmin
  12. Second level domain transfer not going through
  13. https not working
  14. Sendmail working?
  15. cannot connect to server ftp
  16. Issues with FTP connection to my website
  17. Unable to login my altervista - tried recovery mode and changed password
  18. Unable to login - Password reset not working -
  19. Can I put development mode on?
  20. Linking My account code to Altervista
  21. A 'not secure' message' is putting off my viewers. How do I stop it?
  22. I need help with my website
  23. Altervista.org - Post by email
  24. Post in Altervista blog using email
  25. Attivazione HTTPS: Quanto ci vorrebbe?
  26. Email alius
  27. Getting the wrong site.
  28. Cancel account deletion request
  29. not receiving verification code for conversion to file hosting
  30. Site disabled
  31. php mail
  32. WP return HTTP ERROR 500
  33. Server to server connections - SMS not received
  34. redirecting http to https using .htaccess cause a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT loop
  35. Reverse pending account deletion
  36. php POST not working
  37. Making a redirect
  38. Website timeouts and FTP not working
  39. Transfer Wordpress from own domain+hosting to Altervista - no effects
  40. HTTPS handling/inconsistencies
  41. .co.uk domain
  42. Delete Website
  43. control panel access
  44. How do you get Alterpages instead of Wordpress
  45. How do I activate HTTPS for my site http://beauford.altervista.org/?
  46. i want to reactivate a altervista acc
  47. Unable to receive HTTPS verification code
  48. My website is not working
  49. Can I add a secondary domain but keep AlterSite?
  50. Redirecting website
  51. HTTPS activation
  52. https
  53. Impossible to visualize
  54. Help with PHP path
  55. I would like to load my blog faster
  56. https - SMS - USA ?
  57. access file uploaded with FTP
  58. ARRAY(0x2795458)
  59. Access website from bought domain through https
  60. My site is down!
  61. Https
  62. SMS verification for https not working
  63. confused?
  64. How do I add an SPF record for my domain?
  65. Unable to purchase an email for my domain
  66. Help with verifying phone number
  67. Change URL
  68. Database and free hosting
  69. Double Domain separation
  70. Impossible to index pages
  71. domain question
  72. What email can I use to contact Altervista staff at?
  73. Traffic limits
  74. error 500
  75. can't make http get/post to other altervista site
  76. SMTP isnt working for phpBB!
  77. What are mailboxes for?
  78. FTP Connection error
  79. Why does my website keep redirecting to http and not https?
  80. Full tutorial on how to set Alias email?
  81. How do I change name servers for cloudflare?
  82. How do third level domains work?
  83. Sopport activation Multisite on subdomain
  84. Plugin Auto Aupdate
  85. Alias email not working
  86. I want to use my .org domain as main domain
  87. WordPress plugin requesting data from another domain
  88. i can't to acces my site can you help me please?
  89. Can't get past "important Message" to edit site
  90. [abuse notification] REMOVED https://laravista.altervista.org/laravel-5.6/.env
  91. Can we have an update to PHP 7.3.19 or PHP 7.4 please?
  92. https enabled, but site still going to http
  93. website, not blog
  94. Help? I would like to use more social media buttons.
  95. Help fatal error
  96. Second Level Domain How to Purchase
  97. Zoho MX Records
  98. Image header on mobile site
  99. FTP stopped working, timed out
  100. Help please with my site
  101. Cannot CURL to https://graph.instagram.com
  102. Cannot login in / Cannot access webpages
  103. Renew Expired Domain
  104. Question
  105. Can't change my e-mail address
  106. Hosting SSL Certificate
  107. Problem with cache
  108. Back up / WP forms
  109. Problems with my website
  110. Where is Resources > PHP Settings???
  111. Sorry the site is unreachable?
  112. Domain Transfer From Wix To Altervista
  113. Hosting account disabled!
  114. [File Manager] Upload Archive Error (laravel.tar.gz)
  115. Site reactivated with 30s after disabling email, but files all gone
  116. Help! I get an error message
  117. Search box in control panel not working
  118. Email alias setup for domain bought on altervista
  119. WordPress CORS issue and conflicting URLs
  120. Cannot access to altervista control panel as I an redirected directly to my site
  121. iFlyChat Wordpress not working
  122. DNS changes?
  123. Account disabled
  124. I cannot access my site and admin after editing wp-config.php . Please help!
  125. Using CSS and JavaScript entirely from FTP server
  126. Does hosting support PHP framework?
  127. Is it legal to build botchat in Altervista hosting?
  128. Unable to renew my domain
  129. .CA Domain Transfer
  130. Recaptcha not working for WP Admin login
  131. Help
  132. Website - not blog
  133. Button link not connecting
  134. Remove plugin caused my site down
  135. Why my site is supspended
  136. problema WebHook telegram
  137. webhook problem with telegram
  138. PCI DSS Compliance
  139. Remove extension
  140. Truble to create my own email
  141. Can't access website
  142. i cant transfer domain here!
  143. change account
  144. Domain Transfer into AlterVista
  145. restore my blog,cpanel isn't working
  146. Confirmation button - about the the new privacy legislation
  147. Unable to download/activate plugins
  148. problem switching site to alter blogs from alter site
  149. questions about php and accounts being archived
  150. Altervista website with github
  151. The server at watches.altervista.org is taking too long to respond.
  152. Error HTTPS
  153. Session keeps timing out while I'm editing web page
  154. FTP Login for extra-users
  155. Unable to connect to server?
  156. Redirect
  157. Serious Problem with Altervista Admins Need to Act Immediately
  158. Can I change my e-mail address?
  159. Switching to altersite
  160. perche e senza mio permesso attivato Cloudflare service e adesso sito non e visibile?
  161. Account suspended
  162. Account Suspended
  163. Hosted by AlterVista
  164. Delete files and Folders impossible
  165. Cannot connect to my wp admin site
  166. https to subfolder-subdirectory of the site.
  167. Index Page Missing
  168. Can not connect to my wp administrator panel because of .htaccess file editing
  169. I can't Create a new Site - Unknown Error
  170. Https sms verification
  171. SMS Verification
  172. Exporting files
  173. SMS Verify Website
  174. Registration on AlterSite
  175. Cant make the database
  176. Login Redirect Issue
  177. Searching Site Did Not Return Positive Results
  178. Switch from WordPress to File Management
  179. restoring backup problem
  180. Page not found (error 404) / Also Blog instead of Website
  181. Server to server dropbox
  182. Server to server
  183. mySql size limit?
  184. Embedded music player issue
  185. Why is my site suspended?
  186. Cannot access your files notify it on the forum
  187. Search engine problem.... i have a lot of post but no visitors from google why?
  188. Server to server connections
  189. bitcoins faucet problem by fsockopen ()
  190. omg help
  191. Server to Server
  192. Is XenForo Possible
  193. support is shit and service even shitier
  194. Mail Alias: Does email sent there get forwarded?
  195. I need an Auth key
  196. How to convert Altersite to AlterBlog without losing the contents?
  197. FTP Suddenly Stopped Working?
  198. cant activate https
  199. FTP Upload Problem
  200. Index Page Missing
  201. Disable PHP short tags
  202. Server to server connection
  203. How can i buy my domain?
  204. File name problem
  205. How Do I Get My HTML Files Displayed?
  206. Session_save_path not writable
  207. Uploading entire project?
  208. Website never works
  209. Trouble sending SMS to set up HTTPS
  210. When we can register for hosting?
  211. In installed wordpress by mistake and would like to change to hosting?
  212. Domain redirect
  213. How to display my page using the file management option
  214. new domain i boght
  215. Composer
  216. No empty advertisement shown on my blog thats why adsense deny my application
  217. Como eliminar hosted by Alter vista- Disclamier
  218. How to register
  219. I accidentally clicked on Blog Setup Link
  220. Requested the removal of the whitelist, but in vain
  221. Help for the index page missing in the directory?
  222. How to make my altervista website view only on desktop view mode?
  223. My blog is not accessible.
  224. tema
  225. Using SOAP In PHP
  226. Cannot access FTP site anymore home or office
  227. edit domain page
  228. Domain Name Transfer to AWS
  229. Alterblog link
  230. Request to allow my WordPress server to connect to noc1.wordfence.com
  231. My video won't plan, MIME type not recognized
  232. Domain renewed, but not working!
  233. Cant connect to FTP
  234. Account Suspended
  235. Main Dashboard
  236. Both of my websites 'suspended?
  237. installed mybb but nothing shows up on domain
  238. Can't remove curl restriction
  239. Use domain as primary one?
  240. Server to server connection
  241. Website showing 403 error
  242. I cannot access my dashboard anymore
  243. to the kind attention of AV staff - error with the iubenda privacy/cookie policy
  244. I lost access to phpmyadmin. Please help.
  245. mySQL Triggers are allowed but not Procedures or Functions?
  246. Database events?
  247. Login Issue
  248. i bought a new .com domain
  249. "Cannot access your files"
  250. server to server