- FTP Error 530
- Disabling www. from domain
- Google Recaptcha v3 and Altervista Blog
- Create New Database
- WordPress Error after deactivating plugins
- Issues uploading files in replies on phpBB with PHP 8.0 and higher.
- Riattivazione sito andreagotlost.com
- Certain PHP functions and/or AJAX not working through HTTPS
- Pictures not showing
- How to reactivate my site?
- How do I grant permissions on PHPMyAdmin
- Second level domain transfer not going through
- https not working
- Sendmail working?
- cannot connect to server ftp
- Issues with FTP connection to my website
- Unable to login my altervista - tried recovery mode and changed password
- Unable to login - Password reset not working -
- Can I put development mode on?
- Linking My account code to Altervista
- A 'not secure' message' is putting off my viewers. How do I stop it?
- I need help with my website
- Altervista.org - Post by email
- Post in Altervista blog using email
- Attivazione HTTPS: Quanto ci vorrebbe?
- Email alius
- Getting the wrong site.
- Cancel account deletion request
- not receiving verification code for conversion to file hosting
- Site disabled
- php mail
- WP return HTTP ERROR 500
- Server to server connections - SMS not received
- redirecting http to https using .htaccess cause a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT loop
- Reverse pending account deletion
- php POST not working
- Making a redirect
- Website timeouts and FTP not working
- Transfer Wordpress from own domain+hosting to Altervista - no effects
- HTTPS handling/inconsistencies
- .co.uk domain
- Delete Website
- control panel access
- How do you get Alterpages instead of Wordpress
- How do I activate HTTPS for my site http://beauford.altervista.org/?
- i want to reactivate a altervista acc
- Unable to receive HTTPS verification code
- My website is not working
- Can I add a secondary domain but keep AlterSite?
- Redirecting website
- HTTPS activation
- https
- Impossible to visualize
- Help with PHP path
- I would like to load my blog faster
- https - SMS - USA ?
- access file uploaded with FTP
- ARRAY(0x2795458)
- Access website from bought domain through https
- My site is down!
- Https
- SMS verification for https not working
- confused?
- How do I add an SPF record for my domain?
- Unable to purchase an email for my domain
- Help with verifying phone number
- Change URL
- Database and free hosting
- Double Domain separation
- Impossible to index pages
- domain question
- What email can I use to contact Altervista staff at?
- Traffic limits
- error 500
- can't make http get/post to other altervista site
- SMTP isnt working for phpBB!
- What are mailboxes for?
- FTP Connection error
- Why does my website keep redirecting to http and not https?
- Full tutorial on how to set Alias email?
- How do I change name servers for cloudflare?
- How do third level domains work?
- Sopport activation Multisite on subdomain
- Plugin Auto Aupdate
- Alias email not working
- I want to use my .org domain as main domain
- WordPress plugin requesting data from another domain
- i can't to acces my site can you help me please?
- Can't get past "important Message" to edit site
- [abuse notification] REMOVED https://laravista.altervista.org/laravel-5.6/.env
- Can we have an update to PHP 7.3.19 or PHP 7.4 please?
- https enabled, but site still going to http
- website, not blog
- Help? I would like to use more social media buttons.
- Help fatal error
- Second Level Domain How to Purchase
- Zoho MX Records
- Image header on mobile site
- FTP stopped working, timed out
- Help please with my site
- Cannot CURL to https://graph.instagram.com
- Cannot login in / Cannot access webpages
- Renew Expired Domain
- Question
- Can't change my e-mail address
- Hosting SSL Certificate
- Problem with cache
- Back up / WP forms
- Problems with my website
- Where is Resources > PHP Settings???
- Sorry the site is unreachable?
- Domain Transfer From Wix To Altervista
- Hosting account disabled!
- [File Manager] Upload Archive Error (laravel.tar.gz)
- Site reactivated with 30s after disabling email, but files all gone
- Help! I get an error message
- Search box in control panel not working
- Email alias setup for domain bought on altervista
- WordPress CORS issue and conflicting URLs
- Cannot access to altervista control panel as I an redirected directly to my site
- iFlyChat Wordpress not working
- DNS changes?
- Account disabled
- I cannot access my site and admin after editing wp-config.php . Please help!
- Using CSS and JavaScript entirely from FTP server
- Does hosting support PHP framework?
- Is it legal to build botchat in Altervista hosting?
- Unable to renew my domain
- .CA Domain Transfer
- Recaptcha not working for WP Admin login
- Help
- Website - not blog
- Button link not connecting
- Remove plugin caused my site down
- Why my site is supspended
- problema WebHook telegram
- webhook problem with telegram
- PCI DSS Compliance
- Remove extension
- Truble to create my own email
- Can't access website
- i cant transfer domain here!
- change account
- Domain Transfer into AlterVista
- restore my blog,cpanel isn't working
- Confirmation button - about the the new privacy legislation
- Unable to download/activate plugins
- problem switching site to alter blogs from alter site
- questions about php and accounts being archived
- Altervista website with github
- The server at watches.altervista.org is taking too long to respond.
- Error HTTPS
- Session keeps timing out while I'm editing web page
- FTP Login for extra-users
- Unable to connect to server?
- Redirect
- Serious Problem with Altervista Admins Need to Act Immediately
- Can I change my e-mail address?
- Switching to altersite
- perche e senza mio permesso attivato Cloudflare service e adesso sito non e visibile?
- Account suspended
- Account Suspended
- Hosted by AlterVista
- Delete files and Folders impossible
- Cannot connect to my wp admin site
- https to subfolder-subdirectory of the site.
- Index Page Missing
- Can not connect to my wp administrator panel because of .htaccess file editing
- I can't Create a new Site - Unknown Error
- Https sms verification
- SMS Verification
- Exporting files
- SMS Verify Website
- Registration on AlterSite
- Cant make the database
- Login Redirect Issue
- Searching Site Did Not Return Positive Results
- Switch from WordPress to File Management
- restoring backup problem
- Page not found (error 404) / Also Blog instead of Website
- Server to server dropbox
- Server to server
- mySql size limit?
- Embedded music player issue
- Why is my site suspended?
- Cannot access your files notify it on the forum
- Search engine problem.... i have a lot of post but no visitors from google why?
- Server to server connections
- bitcoins faucet problem by fsockopen ()
- omg help
- Server to Server
- Is XenForo Possible
- support is shit and service even shitier
- Mail Alias: Does email sent there get forwarded?
- I need an Auth key
- How to convert Altersite to AlterBlog without losing the contents?
- FTP Suddenly Stopped Working?
- cant activate https
- FTP Upload Problem
- Index Page Missing
- Disable PHP short tags
- Server to server connection
- How can i buy my domain?
- File name problem
- How Do I Get My HTML Files Displayed?
- Session_save_path not writable
- Uploading entire project?
- Website never works
- Trouble sending SMS to set up HTTPS
- When we can register for hosting?
- In installed wordpress by mistake and would like to change to hosting?
- Domain redirect
- How to display my page using the file management option
- new domain i boght
- Composer
- No empty advertisement shown on my blog thats why adsense deny my application
- Como eliminar hosted by Alter vista- Disclamier
- How to register
- I accidentally clicked on Blog Setup Link
- Requested the removal of the whitelist, but in vain
- Help for the index page missing in the directory?
- How to make my altervista website view only on desktop view mode?
- My blog is not accessible.
- tema
- Using SOAP In PHP
- Cannot access FTP site anymore home or office
- edit domain page
- Domain Name Transfer to AWS
- Alterblog link
- Request to allow my WordPress server to connect to noc1.wordfence.com
- My video won't plan, MIME type not recognized
- Domain renewed, but not working!
- Cant connect to FTP
- Account Suspended
- Main Dashboard
- Both of my websites 'suspended?
- installed mybb but nothing shows up on domain
- Can't remove curl restriction
- Use domain as primary one?
- Server to server connection
- Website showing 403 error
- I cannot access my dashboard anymore
- to the kind attention of AV staff - error with the iubenda privacy/cookie policy
- I lost access to phpmyadmin. Please help.
- mySQL Triggers are allowed but not Procedures or Functions?
- Database events?
- Login Issue
- i bought a new .com domain
- "Cannot access your files"
- server to server