- Struggling to Install Facebook Pixel on Altervista WordPress - PHP Issue, Conversion
- WordPress posts with full text in home page
- Delete blog
- Problema installazione phpbb3
- Accidentally wiped my AlterSite to create WordPress, need new database
- modify php.ini
- Accesso al DB per problema con MailPoet
- Need to upload backup
- Convert wordpress to hosting
- Error when posting in my phpBB board with php 8.2.9
- edit wp-config
- Communication from AIOSEO
- In google doesn't appear my logo, but that of Altervista
- Running local PHP files with Wordpress Managed install
- Can I upload a website from scratch?
- Theme has issues because of PHO ver
- Fatal error because of a wrong plugin created by me
- My blog is not indexed by search engines
- "Edit with Elementor" button disappeared
- Server To Server Verification
- Elementor Responsive
- Remove Altervista Bottom Toolbar
- License Key Problems
- Unloading unnecessary scripts
- Sidebar error
- Impossible to import blog posts and pages
- applications
- Problem with phpBB forum application
- Altervista - wordpress - elementor - essential addons for elementor - parallax
- Redirect 301 old/new domain
- About domain transfer problem and receive real money (receive real Euro)
- About Earn And Receive Payment Problem
- About Payment Problem
- error Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 http://fofocas.altervista.org/
- Plugins Autoupdate
- Will Uninstalling the Plugin Undo the wp-content Permission Change It Had Made?
- Question about UpdraftPlus
- Altervista Cache vs Pagespeed
- Buy Domain, what to do next?
- Problems with plugin
- Altervista plugin bug report, incompatible with WPBakery post excerpt query
- ReCaptcha conflict with plugin
- I receive an import error message when I try to import an elementor theme
- Problems with Wordpress
- Login in sottodirectory
- It's not possible to sign-in your blog
- Accesso ai files e database
- Help with theme installation
- Avoid Adsense Subscription
- Site Kit support
- Come inserisco le ricette create in un Post?
- robots.txt
- Old WordPress core file
- Altervista Keith theme: Can I revert back to the old theme version?
- [Wordpress] Moving into /blog folder
- [Wordpress] Coments: Is this "Spam" or "Trash" ?
- Laravel on AlterVista (and Wordpress)
- Enabling error_log logging file
- (Help) [cURL error 56: Receive]Error Installing Extension (WordPress, Jevelin theme)
- wp pro quiz non funziona
- Problemi con h5p and mobile phone
- About Used Push Notification Problem
- Messenger notifications - Terms of service Problem
- About Social Buttons and Post Notification and AlterVista Toolbar Problem
- i need to reinstall the wordpress
- Please help me solve this problem
- Can I setup my domain for blog without transfer?
- Altervista Keith theme - Photo size?
- Wordfence plugin can not register
- can't login...
- prevent Hotlinking through .htaccess
- I cant login to my site
- No Mail Notification of User Comment
- Family tree website
- D3.js don't display the charts
- drupal
- Accessing wordpress site with a mobile browser
- Some link shortener is messed up
- Advertising
- White Space Between Header Image and Navigation Bar
- Can't access Wordpress dashboard
- Change my PAYPAL account (Help)
- Export WP DB from altervista
- Problem with mobiel version of the website
- Menu on mobil version are not correct
- Cannot Edit Title Page
- Drupal 8 install fails: writing permissions problem?
- Disable Wordpress
- Website is loading horribly slowly
- Plain white editor, can't do anything
- What are my Alterblogs site, File Storage and Photo Storage limits?
- blog -> site conversion
- Migrate from 000webhost to Altervista?
- Blog "nuevoextremo" has been archived
- [ALTERSITE] Can't create a new database
- Help! Cant get my updates to publish
- Open Live Writer Can't Conect to My AV Blog Service
- Remove Altervista Toolbar ?
- JetPack doesn't connect - Outbound HTTPS not working
- Wordpress: Can I increase my maximum file upload limit?
- Want to Quit wordpress
- Issue with Altervistia Host
- translation
- Wordpress - Jetpack plugin not working
- Wordpress slow page load times, not being offered update to v4.7
- Could I keep my domain name, after changing to alterblog?
- Service temporarily unavailable, please try again later
- featured image
- Where does my blog go?
- how to modify file size for uploading?
- Order posts
- Social Media Buttons Stopped Showing Share Numbers
- How is possible the earnings in my website be so small??
- http://activexhost.altervista.org/
- Buddypress plugin... bad idea (PLEAS HELP)
- rss xml atom from wordpress on altervista?
- Ciaooo!!
- how to write HTML/CSS without using WordPress?
- Livecode CGI on altervista?
- how to install my Wordpress site in a subdirectory
- phpBB 3.1.7-pl1 500 error for app.php
- How to set up web-host if I already have a Blog
- Social Media button "Telegram" Doesn't Show on Blog
- Joomla Sendmail
- help me please
- Cant see my views
- Statistics
- Widget not supported, entire site is based on it !
- Thumbnail Problems and CouchCMS
- Why Wordfence not work in altervista host?
- Can we import Wordpress site from localhost in xampp using backup zip?
- Theme header never shows up - and it's the main image to my site
- product variations crash -
- Problema redirect alterblog
- registro
- Google Searches Showing domain.altervista.org instead of purchased domain.
- debug message for USPS woocommerce shipping plugin
- SOAP support for Stamps.com plugin activiation
- How to add site login?
- New accounts
- DRupal curl error
- how to upload html file to server's root level?
- AlterVista banners not activated
- how to show adense;s adds on blog??
- Site Version Alterpages vs Joomla
- How to customize phpBB?
- My word press can not donwload my posts and pages no error shows up on the screen
- Fanpage
- I could not mange my word press
- wp-admin page not found
- Domain Transfer
- woAVB" Help
- Can not make contact form work
- All notification emails stopped working on phpbb
- No Categories on Wordpress
- Installing WordPress with Bitnami
- my blog activation freeze.. i can't use it!
- How to change font size in the posts?!
- Wordpress Theme: unchangeable text???
- Social Locker error
- How to fix country list??
- google ads
- salca augustin
- html ignored ????
- je ne rien compris a ce truc
- Why My site is taking too long to load
- How to remove altervista add on top of screen?
- Drupal version
- How do you remove Wordpress?
- Dammi un "Mi Piace" o un "g+1" e acquisti con sconto!
- problemi con rich snippet
- Come cambiare lingua al mio DASHBOARD
- How to set custom domian??
- Need a lot of help right know!
- How can I install a plugin on my blog?
- Can I register
- Time stamp
- adding html meta tag
- i've complete adsense requirement but not able to signup for adsense
- Error #1010: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT
- I can't see report
- altervista Custom Domain Allowed or not? how to Set custom domian??
- White list of Server to server connection PHP Settings
- php.ini file parameter allow_url_fopen ON - DRUPAL
- Language change
- People can't go to mi blog
- Couldn't connect to the WordPress site from Android apps
- Concrete5 installation time out after 30
- removing/deleting Wordpress from my account
- Problem with advertisement
- Problema lingua blog
- problem installing template yootheme
- How to change wordpress in Joomla
- How to Change Font style in the blog
- Drupal 7 install?
- How to Confirm My Domain ?
- Copying Site
- Drupal: sendin mail - SMTP error:fputs() [function.fputs]: send of 12 bytes failed...
- MAC computers can't get on my site!
- other language
- menu fantasma appare dopo l'apertura degli articoli
- Problems setting up Spectrum theme
- Wordpress Jetpack plugin is no longer working
- My Site Wont Open
- Uploading packages in MODx Revolution
- How do i connect a godaddy domain to my wordpress blog?
- CMSimple (CMS) activation
- aiuto banner
- adsense option not showing
- Profile Pic
- website email
- How in the world could i install google analytics script on my site???
- My site is coming up as a Wordpress blog - how do I make it a Wordpress website - URG
- iWeb to Altervista
- Webmaster tools
- can I change the language of my dashboard?
- Collegamento blog con altervista
- Come mai non vedo pił i banner, ma solo dei riquadri bianchi
- Nome doppio sulla Home Page
- Plugin
- problem Ip board in franch
- Blog posts are not visible
- Home page statica o sul Blog
- richiesta di consiglio tecnico
- sezione "guadagna"
- How to reset joomla password
- Problema con gli articoli
- Problemi collegamento ipertestuale/youtube
- aiutatemi! wordpress mi ha bloccato il blog a causa degli aggiornamenti!
- Il mio primo post sul mio blog Peperosa
- immagine della testata non viene visualizzata nei dispositivi mobili
- [phpbb] Alterform not showing?
- help
- I created a blog by accident and wanted to ftp a site
- scrittura webmaster?
- PHP settings
- Website not visible
- Problem
- Immagine in Side Bar o Testata
- How to reinstall wordpress in a different directory?
- home page
- comunicazione con altri blog
- Post images/Thumbnails not shown on my site and also not showing in related posts
- Aiuto! Caricamento pagina iniziale
- schermata all'accesso
- non ho pił accesso al blog
- change language on wordpress
- Fatal error: Call to undefined function xprofile_insert_field_group() in /membri/giov
- blog/sito
- I can not add post and upload pictures or other stuff in my website